Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
     DRAFT Meeting Minutes
     November 12, 2002
     Attending: Laura Blain, Rorry Colon, Cathy Cook, RoseMarie Grzincic, Edward
     Knapp, Donald L.Roach Jr., Gene Weisbrod, Shari Whipple; board members
     absent: Rick Stackhouse; volunteers present: Jeff Harford; also present: Tim May,
     Penni Thulman, and Matt Rogers.
     The meeting was opened at 7:30pm by Laura.
     Minutes: Because there was still some confusion about the fee structure, a
     Knapp/Roach motion was passed to accept the minutes of October 15 amended to
     strike the motion regarding the fee.
     Treasurer's report: ...Gene presented the report for October. Prior balance
     reported, (September) was $7,143.98, revised with Sept deposit to $7,208.58. 
     October income = $198.50, bills paid = $681.74 including the loan payment of
     506.64: end of October balance = $6,752.34.   The outstanding loan balance is
     $5,361.62, with year to date interest of 454.93 paid..  A Knapp/Roach motion was
     passed to accept the treasurer's report.
     Previous/Unfinished Business:
     Madeline plaque: Laura spoke with GG Brown, the plaque should be ready by
     now per her last conversation with the owner.  Laura will phone the Trophy Shop
     in Waverly to determine the balance due and when the plaque can be picked up. 
     Gene will mail a check to Laura when the amount is confirmed.
     Building Use Fee Schedule:    After discussion about the fee schedule, and
     clarifying the intent of last month's motion, it was agreed that a standard fee
     schedule would be established, with exceptions made on a case by case review as
     requested, and by appropriate motion.  A Weisbrod/Roach motion was passed to
     establish the following fee schedule: Organized youth groups composed
     predominantly of Ulster and Sheshequin residents will have use of the rec center
     at no cost, with a $1 per head charge for non-resident participants; any other
     rentals will be charged hourly at $15 for taxpayer/$30 for nontaxpayer use, with
     an additional $5 per hour minimum to be  paid separately to a youth DJ, when
     provided for dances or skate parties.  
          A Roach/Grzincic motion was passed to accept the resident rate for the
     U12 Soccer team coached by Sheshequin resident Matt Rogers, at $7 per use for
     the 7 non-resident team members, in addition to a contribution from the Bradford
     County Youth Indoor Soccer League. Soccer parents Penni Thulman and Tim
     May have volunteered to help write grant applications when the board secures
     501c3 status.
     New Business:
     Skate closures: To keep confusion at a minimum, it was agreed that skating will
     be closed whenever school is closed, for holidays and weather closures, EVEN IF
     THE WEATHER IMPROVES after schools close.
     Visit from Santa: Santa phoned Laura and offered to visit the Rec Center, a date
     was set for December 15th, Rorry and Cathy will make necessary arrangements.
     Extra Tables: The extra tables that were left outside of the Rec Center several
     weeks ago will be donated to Trinket Community Organization.  The folding
     tables on stage (reserving one for Rec Center use) will also be LOANED to
     Soda Machine Key: The key for the soda machine is missing.  It hung on a white
     cord inside the skate closet and is no longer there.  Shari has a spare, which is now
     our only key.
     Next Meeting: Will be TUESDAY, December 10, 2002, at 7:30 pm.    
     A unanimous motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 pm.