Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
     DRAFT Meeting Minutes
     October 8, 2002
     Attending: Laura Blain, Rick Stackhouse, Edward Knapp, Gene Weisbrod , Shari
     Whipple, Cathy Cook, Donald L.Roach Jr, Rorry Colon; board members absent:
     RoseMarie Grzincic; volunteers present: Doug Felt, Jeff Harford.  Also present:
     Ulster Township Supervisors Joe Perechinsky, Gerry Chandler, Chuck Cotter,
     Sheshequin Township Supervisors Bob Smith and Roberta Sabitus-Place; and
     other residents of both townships as listed on the sign in sheet on file.
     Laura opened the meeting at 7:35pm, with introductions made by all present.
     Treasurer's report: Gene presented the proposed 2003 budget and answered
     questions from the supervisors.  No final decisions were made, it is not clear yet
     whether either township will include funding for the rec center in their budgets. 
     Several suggestions for other methods of fund-raising were offered.   There was
     no current treasurers report prepared because the files are in transit.   Gene will
     purchase quick-books software, and absorb the cost as a donation to the rec center.
     Minutes: Rorry read the minutes from the 9/17 meeting, Roach/Knapp motion
     was passed to accept the minutes as corrected to reflect the proposed hourly rental
     fee as $15 + $5 for DJ for Ulster and Sheshequin taxpayers, and $30 + $5 for non-
     Previous/Unfinished Business:
     Madeline's placque: no report
     Maintenance issues: Doug Felt and Eric Mathews sealed the skate floor,
     donating their time and labor.  Doug also paid for the materials.  Jeff Harford
     worked on the skate light under the supervision of his tech teacher, and believes it
     is now working.  Don Roach will be purchasing the needed bulbs.  The roof leak
     was not addressed.
     By-laws revisions: tabled until after skating begins, but a high priority.
     New Business:
     Fee Schedules: After much discussion, a Weisbrod/Colon motion was passed to
     charge admission for skating,  no fee for organized  Ulster and Sheshequin, youth
     group activities, with a $1 per head fee for non-resident; and for other uses, charge
     $15/hr for tax paying residents, $30/hr non resident, plus an additional $5/hr to
     Insurance: it was questioned whether our policy is sufficient for our needs, this
     needs to be reviewed in the near future.
     Opening Skating: because there was no time left to discuss this, the next meeting
     will focus exclusively on this goal.
     Next Meeting: Will be TUESDAY, October 15, 2002, at 7:30 pm.     
     A Weisbrod/Knapp motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 9:35pm.