Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Annual Meeting DRAFT MINUTES April 23, 2012

The meeting, held at the Rec Center, Totem Street, Ulster, PA, was called to order at 7:12 p.m. by President Paul Bennett.

Attending: were representatives from Cub Scouts (Kim Babcock, Leigh Trasco, Michelle Harnish); 4-H (Carolyn Knapp and Kimberly Knapp); Mather Memorial Library (Janice Bennett, Marlene Gulyas); Girl Scouts (DeeDee Campbell, Sue Teeter, Shannon Searfoss); Ulster United Methodist Church (Kurt Lafy); Sheshequin Ulster Community Center (Paul Bennett, Nicole Kinney, Laura Hewitt); New Generation Church (Chris Kinner, Elaine Kinner); Harvest House Church (Brian Moyer). Also present were Cora Johnson, Ty Warner and Allie Campbell.

A Kurt Lafy/DeeDee Campbell motion to accept the April 26, 2011 Annual Meeting minutes as presented was unanimously passed..

President's Report: : President Paul
  Bennett gave a report to the membership highlighting the past year’s accomplishments, including, but not limited to: Friday night skates have been well attended with weekly averages in the high 30s with numbers fluctuating into the 40s and 50s. Some new skates were purchased using money raised by a bake sale conducted by Patti Hadlock. Patti also regularly throughout the 2011 year volunteered at Friday night skates and helped with holiday parties as well as rental parties.
  The second year of the basketball program has shown growth and was attended by an average of 20-25 kids. Two groups were formed based on age. The volleyball program was continued for a second year and was attended by an average of 12 kids.
  The floor hockey program which is also in its second year showed enough growth, with an average of 20 to 25 kids, to also be split into two groups based on age. Zumba classed were started at the end of 2011 and continue to be taught by certified instructors, Joni Livingston and Megan Wright, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.
  Parties were held as follows:
     August 2011 – Back-to-School Blast with 41 kids in attendance.
     October 2011 – Halloween Party with 70 kids in attendance.
     December 2011 – Christmas Party with 90 kids in attendance.
     April 2012 – Easter Party with 60 kids in attendance.
  Harvest House continues using the Center for a monthly basketball clinic. A group from Big Brothers/Big Sisters came to a Friday night skate. A total of 22 private parties were held during the 2011 year.
  Other noteworthy items: A new stereo was purchased and the skating closet was remodeled. The roof over the entranceway which had been leaking has been replaced. A maintenance committee has been formed (Paul Bennett, Chris Kinner and Patty Morgan) to address and work on various continuing maintenance issues including the lack of storage space and the unusable basement area.
  The Rec Center has seen several new volunteers and the institution of a background check for all volunteers.

Treasurers Report:
  Michelle Harnish noted a 4/23/12 checking account balance of $11,486.78 and a savings account balance of $6,255.27 for a total balance of $17,742.05. The profit and loss statement showed total income for 2011 of $13,024.18 and total expenses of $8,430.95 for an ordinary net income of $4,593.23 plus interest income in the amount of 7.06 totalling $4,600.29.
  A Kurt Lafy/Kimberly Knapp motion was unanimously passed to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.

Auditor’s Report:
  Laura Hewitt reported that the audit had not been completed at the time of the meeting, as Michelle Harnish has just recently gotten her all the documentation. Laura did note, however, that she was able to work with Michelle to complete all savings and checking bank statement reconciliations through December 31, 2011, verifying end-of-year balances to the QuickBooks records. She commended Michelle for her well-organized filing system and detailed QuickBooks entries, the continuation of prior cash collection documentation, and was very impressed with an added protocol to process reimbursements. The full audit will be completed and submitted at a later date, and Laura will provide further training to Michelle on budget report formats to help provide the board with actual spending compared to specific budget line items.

Awards presented:
  President Paul Bennett presented the Madelene Daugherty Volunteer of the Year award to CORA WILLIAMS for her outstanding services in 2011. She was given a gift certificate from Bishop’s True Value as well as her name being added to the award plaque.
  Vice President Chris Kinner presented the Madelene Daugherty Volunteer of the Year award to PAUL BENNETT for his outstanding services in 2011. Paul’s name was also added to the award plaque.
  PATTI HADLOCK was presented with the Junior Volunteer of the year award. She was given a Bishop’s True Value gift certificate as well as her name being added to the award plaque.
  Mugs of appreciation were given to: Patty Morgan who helped with basketball as well as opening and closing for Zumba. Casey Lasko who helped at basketball. Tim Young who helped with floor hockey and the Easter party. Sandy Ryan who helped at volleyball. Pastor Bill Klees who helps with the older youth at many of the holiday parties. Robin Warner who helps with Friday night skates and at holiday parties. Allie Campbell, Ronnie Campbell and Ty Warner were presented with thank you medallions for their help as well.

  A DeeDee Campbell/Shannon Searfoss motion passed unanimously to amend Article IV. Directors - Section 5 as follows: Previous wording: “Section 5. Spouses shall not serve on the Board of Directors together.” To now read: “Section 5. No more than one person from any household or immediate family (defined as spouses, siblings, children, parents or in-laws), shall serve on the Board of Directors at the same time."

Vote of Board Positions:
  Board positions continue to be held by Paul Bennett, Chris Kinner, Leigh Trasco, Kim Babock, Nicole Kinney and Brian Moyer. Expiring positions are that of Michelle Harnish, Bob Lee and Carolyn Knapp.
  Three 3-year terms were unanimously approved:
    MICHELLE HARNISH Kurt Lafy/Kimberly Knapp motion
    CAROLYN KNAPP Laura Hewitt/Kurt Lafy motion
    LISA TILLEY DeeDee Campbell/Marlene Gulyas motion

   Kurt Lafy/Kimberly Knapp motion passed unanimously to elect Laura Hewitt as auditor for next year.
  Laura Hewitt/Shannon Searfoss motion passed unanimously to elect Cindy Williams as second auditor.

CLOSING : President Paul Bennett closed by thanking all who attended. A Janice Bennett/Shannon Searfoss motion to adjourn at 8:06 passed unanimously.

Minutes submitted by: ___Leigh A Trasco___

(these minutes are a DRAFT only. Official copies require the approval date with secretary's signature.)