Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
DRAFT Board Meeting Minutes - April 4, 2012
8:00 p.m. at the Rec Center, 65 Totem Street, Ulster, PA

BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Paul Bennett, Chris Kinner, Leigh Trasco, Michelle Harnish, Kim Babcock, Brian Moyer, Carolyn Knapp and Nicole Kinney. Board member absent: Bob Lee.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Paul Bennett, President.


Kinner/Bennett motion passed to accept the 2/29/12 Board Meeting Minutes as presented.

Kinney/Harnish motion passed to approve the 1/23/12 Board Meeting minutes as presented.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Checking account balance as of 2/29/12 of $9,542 and savings account balance of $6,255.27. All bills are paid and current.


Moyer/Kinner motion passed to use the 2011 budget figures as the budget figures for 2012.

Bennett/Moyer motion passed to grant the Girl Scouts permission to use their two free uses.

Moyer/Knapp motion passed to form a maintenance committee.

Babcock/Knapp motion passed to present to the Administrative Membership at the Annual Meeting the following addition to the By-Laws:

"Article IV - Directors. Section 6: No more than one person from any immediate family (defined as siblings, children, parents, grandparents or in-laws) shall serve on the Board of Directors at the same time."

Bennett/Trasco motion passed to appoint Laura Hewitt as a representative for the Sheshequin-Ulster Rec Center.

Bennett/Babcock motion passed that there will be a 3 part receipt book kept at the Rec Center to record all monies received excluding skate and concession money; receipt for customer, one for treasurer and one to stay in the book.

Babcock/Kinner motion passed to recognize ... volunteers ...

Next Board Meeting: Will be Monday, April 23rd, 2012, immediately follwing the annual meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: ____Leigh A. Trasco___

(these minutes are a DRAFT only. Official copies require the approval date with secretary's signature.)