Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
July 20, 2010
7 p.m. at the Rec Center, James Street, Ulster, PA

Attending: Paul Bennett, Chris Kinner, Laura Hewitt, Leigh Trasco, Carolyn Knapp, Kim Mayo; Board members absent: Edie Hadlock, Bob Lee; Also present: Bradley Crane.

The meeting was opened by Paul Bennett, President. Bradley Crane (activities committee) was introduced to the board.

Minutes: Hewitt/Kinner motion was passed to accept minutes of the June 1, 2010 meeting with the insertion of the word "revenue" into the treasurer's report.

Treasurer's Report:
- Laura Hewitt presented the report for the second quarter of 2010. Prior balance reported = $10,026.39; Second quarter of 2010 revenue = $1,627; bills paid = $764.05; end of quarter balance = $10,889.34.
- Bills for March include reimbursements: A Cook/Knapp motion was approved to reimburse Paul $21.58 for half the cost of pizza for the end of basketball season, Paul abstained from the vote; A Cook/Knapp motion was approved to reimburse Laura for web domain registration renewal and postage, Laura abstained from the vote.
- Checking and savings reconciliations through June 2010 were reviewed by Chris Kinner and Carolyn Knapp.

Unfinished Business: (none)

New Business:
· Cleaning position. Tabled until next meeting a discussion regarding Chelsea Wahlig filling vacant cleaning position to obtain a budget report.
· Board & treasurer appointmentsKnapp/Mayo motion passed to remove Sheryl Cobb as Board Member due to inactivity.
· Hewitt/Trasco motion passed to appoint Michelle Harnish as Board Member.
· Knapp/Mayo motion passed to appoint Michelle Harnish as co-treasurer with signatory authority.
  Discussion: Laura Hewitt, Kim Mayo and Michelle Harnish will work as co-treasurers for an unspecified transition period.
  Hewitt/Kinner motion passed for signatory authority as follows: One signature required from one of the co-treasurers/one signature required from either president or vice president.
· Maintenance: Paul Bennett indicated handicapped ramp should be repaired by Bunyak Construction shortly.
  Emergency lighting, toilets, bow in foundation/wall and refinishing of the floor were all discussed.
· Stereo system: Kinner/Mayo motion passed for purchase of MP3 player with access screen and 1/8 inch stereo cord with a working budget of $100 or less.
· Activities Committee: Paul Bennett reported that the activities committee met with Jeff Crosby and Bill Klees. An August 27th game night is being planned with a back-to-school theme. Admission will be $2 per child. $75 of donations have been collected for purchasing prizes. Committee is continuing to solicit donations.
  Concession stand inventory needs to be restocked.
· Building rental prices: Mayo/Kinner motion passed for building rental prices as follows: $50 per hour for non-resident; $30 per hour resident; $20 per hour non-profit. Discussion: Future discussions will be held to discuss setting seasonal flat rates for full day use.
· Other: Laura Hewitt read to the board a thank you letter from Mather Memorial Library for their use of the Rec Center.

Next Meeting: will be September 14, 2010, 7:00 p.m.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.