Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
March 17, 2009

Attending: Tonya Coyne, Ray Coyne, Marilyn Daugherty, Cathy Cook, Shari Whipple, Andy Bishop, Laura Hewitt, Jen Vandegrift, Bridgette Werkheiser, Krissy Pruyne The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Ray Coyne.

Minutes: There were corrections made to the minutes. A Hewitt/ Bishop motion was passed to accept the minutes as amended for December 16th, 2008.

Treasurer’s Report: A treasury report was given by Cathy Cook. She stated that for the end of January 2009 there was a checking account balance of $3,844.71. For the end of February 2009 there was a checking balance of $1,711.59 and a savings account balance of $4,231.77. She said that her and Laura had been working on getting the audit done. She reported that the 2006 books were with Jack Macnamara. The 2007 and 2008 books are almost ready to go. She proposed a budget for the year ( see attached). A Bishop/T. Coyne motion was passed to accept the proposed budget for 2009 (bottom line: $8600.00).

Previous/Unfinished Business:
· Concert- Laura said she spoke to Wes Skillings ( swing choir) about doing one of our concerts and said that he would be flexible in the pricing because we are non-profit. Tonya will try to get a number to call him and get a quote and possible booking date. Tonya suggested asking the Ulster Chamber of Commerce to help us sponsor the concerts. Andy said he will look into it. Andy also suggested having door prizes.
· Floor- Andy finished recoating the skate floor. He said that it is going to need to be done every year. He said that the same coating must be used. No other product will work on the floor. He said he uses Rexthane from Sherwin Williams. It costs $90.00 per gallon and it will take 4 gallons minimum to coat the floor.

New Business:
· Funding- Andy asked for a copy of the audit report (when finished) to take to the supervisors for funding. He suggested that Cathy e-mail Jen Chilson a monthly report.
· Skates- Buying additional new skates was discussed. Ray said that we need the bigger sizes because they are all falling apart.
· Biennial Meeting- The date of Wednesday April 29, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. was set for the meeting. The meeting will be held in the rec. center. Laura will prepare paperwork needed for the meeting.
· Easter Party- The Easter party date was set for Saturday April 4th, 2009. Tonya will get started planning.
· Skate Parties- Tonya asked for the board’s approval to allow Brooklyn Coyne to run the skate parties. There was a short discussion. Ray and Tonya were asked to have Brooklyn complete a sign in/sign out check list. Ray and Tonya agreed to follow up and be sure that she was doing this. A Bishop/Daugherty motion was passed to allow Brooklyn Coyne to run skate parties. The vote was 6-1 with Laura Hewitt noting her objections concerning our insurance.
· Movie Night- Laura said that she has a power point projector and a computer that she will allow us to use. She also has family movies that she is willing to let us use. There was discussion about having family movie nights in the summer when we are not having skating.
· Volunteers- Krissy Pruyne, Jen Vandegrift, and Bridgette Werkheiser came to the meeting asking to be volunteers. We explained to them what areas we need help in and we thanked them for their interest in the rec. center. They have fresh ideas that they would like to share with us. Tonya took phone numbers and e-mails and will be in contact with them to get them involved in helping with skating and parties.
· Furnace- Andy suggested that we start researching furnaces. How much it would cost, what are our options, etc. We are exploring the possibility that we may need to get a new furnace in the near future.

A R. Coyne/ Hewitt motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

The next meeting is April 29th, 2009 @ 7:00p.m. in the rec. center. This is our biennial meeting.