Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
October 17th, 2007

Attending: Marilyn Daugherty, Tonya Coyne, Ray Coyne, Shari Whipple, Cathy Cook Absent: Laura Hewitt

The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Tonya Coyne

Minutes: A Daugherty/ Whipple motion was passed to accept minutes for September 18th, 2007.

Treasurer's Report: Cathy Cook gave a treasurer's report ( see attached documentation) .

Previous/Unfinished Business:
· 1. Motion detector lights- Mike Allen has installed a new motion detector light in front stairwell.
· 2. Halloween Party- Our Annual Halloween party is coming up this Saturday. Tonya stated that she had bought the candy for both the fish pond and the ghost booth. Both booths have been washed and painted. Flyers have been handed out and distributed through the school. Cathy called the papers about putting an ad in the paper. It should be printed tomorrow. Cathy called People's State Bank. They are willing to donate $30.00 towards cider and donuts. They have not written a check to us yet. Tonya has agreed to pick up the cider and donuts using the "party" money. Tonya will return all receipts and money at the next meeting.
· 3. Concession Stand- Tom Daugherty along with members of the board have been working on the new concession stand. It is almost completed and looks great. Tom said he would have it completely done for us by the first night of skating. It will be in working order by Saturday ( the Halloween party).
· 4. Work Bee- The work bee that was held September 29th was a great success. The stage has been completely repainted. Both restrooms were scrubbed down, all floors swept and mopped. We repaired and scrubbed skates, vacuumed the carpet on the lower part of the walls. The "old" concession area was hauled out and cleaned. Ray replaced the old bulbs in the disco light.
· 5. Sleepover- Details were discussed further about having a sleepover at the Rec. Center. It was discussed that a good time to have it would be New Year's Eve since parents would be looking for babysitters.

New Business:
· 1. Budget- Cathy turned in a treasurer's report to the supervisors so we could receive our funding. Cathy and Tonya also attended the township meeting in October where Cathy then explained why we were asking for more money. Issues with the old skates and the sealer for the skate floor were some of the things she had explained to them. A nice article was printed in the Morning Times about increasing the funding for the Rec. Center (see attached).Tonya plans on attending the budget planning meeting on October 29th on behalf of the Rec. Center.
· 2. New Skates- It was discussed that we really need to get working on getting new skates before the new skating season starts. The skates that we have are in disrepair and need to be replaced. A Cook/Daugherty motion was passed to buy 12 new pair of skates and 30 pair of skate laces.
· 3. Candy- Cathy, Marilyn, and Tonya went to Sam's Club and picked up candy and food needed for the snack shack. Marilyn later picked up soda to restock the soda machine.
· 4. Childline Clearances- Tonya handed out childline clearance and criminal history forms. It was noted that these are not mandatory but would look good if we had them.
· 5. Appliances- Marilyn donated a refrigerator, freezer, 2 coffee pots, and a soda cooler to the rec. center. She said that we could use them as long as we needed them but if the rec. center ever decides to get rid of them, she wants them back.
· 6. Soda Machine- We have had complaints of the soda in the machine being warm. Tom Daugherty looked at it and found that we have a free-on leak. Shari will contact Dirk Preston to find out how much he would charge to fix it.
· 7. Microphone- A Cook/Coyne motion was passed to buy a new microphone for the skate closet.
· 8. Exit Lights- Ray checked the exit lights and the bulbs are blown. Ray will see about getting new ones and putting them in.
· 9. Fire Extinguishers- Cathy took both fire extinguishers to have them serviced. She hung two temporary extinguishers until ours come back.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 14th, 2007 at 7:00p.m. at the rec. center.

A Cook/Coyne motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 9:00p.m.