Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
August 8th, 2007

Attending: Shari Whipple, Cathy Cook, Tonya Coyne, Laura Hewitt, Ray Coyne, Marilyn Daugherty
Absent: Rhonda VanDyke

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Tonya Coyne

Minutes: A Hewitt/Cook motion was passed to accept minutes for April 11th, 2007.
A Hewitt/Cook motion was passed to accept minutes for January 24th, 2007.

Treasurer's Report: A current treasruy rreport was given by Cathy Cook and was reported as follows:
Checking: $8,276.52 Savings $8,197.79
Total as of 8/8/07: $16,474.31
Laura Hewitt is taking the case back from Cathy Cook to update the files.

Previous/Unfinished Business:
· 1. Resignations - Resignation letters were received via e-mal from Charlotte Hajduga, Ray Hajduga, and RoseMarie Grzinzic on 8/6/07. A Hewitt/Cook motion was passed to accept resignations.
· 2. Building Mantenance - Cathy Cook has been getting quites to replace the roof and fix the doors. The lowest quote was Allen's Contracting. The estimates given wre $500.00 ($350.00 up front) for the doors and $8,700 ($5,600.00) up front) for the roof.
  Cathy submitted a contract to the board but was not signed due to discrepencies. No start/stop date, no ins. binder, no copy of licence.
  A Cook/Coyne motion was passed to sign the contract once the above named info. was added.
· 3. Stereo - Shari asked about the plans for the new stereo system. It was discussed and decided that no funs were available at this time do to the building repairs. Laura offered to donate her stereo for temporary use until we can get a new one.
· 4. Fundraising - Ideas were being discussed about different fundraisers we could have to raise money for new skates, theme nights, and extra expenditures not included in our yearly budget. Tonya was put in charge to do fundraising.

New Business:
· 1. Volunteers - Ray Coyne and Marilyn Daugherty were expressing their intersts in being volunteers. We discussed the possibilities of having a concession stand for Friday night skate and opening up to new ideas to bring the kids back.
  A Hewitt/Coyne motion was passed to allow Ray Coyne and Marily Daugherty to help in handling the money as they volunteer.
· 2. Signing Checks - Cathy will initiate signiture card changes. Charlotte will be taken off the acounts and Cathy is to be put on as a signer of checks.
  Utility checks and Allen's contracting checks signed at the meeting.
  A Hewitt/Coyne motion was passed to appoint Cathy Cook as signer on the account.
  A Hewitt/Coyne motion was passed to allow Cathy Cook to continue to pay the usual monthly bills.
· 3. Bookings - Tonya Coyne will be taking over the rental books.
· 4. Yearly Budget - Cathy will go to Laura's house and get a yearly budget made up to be turned into the township.

A Hewitt/Coyne motion was passed to appoint Shari Whipple as president and Cathy Cook as vice president

Next meeting: September 12th, 2007 @ 7:00p.m. -rec. center.

A Cook/Coyne motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 10:00p.m.