Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
December 13, 2006

Attending: Board: Laura Blain, Cathy Cook, RoseMarie Grzincic, Charlotte Hajduga, Alison Olmstead. Absent: Shari Whipple, Patrick Grimes.

Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Charlotte Hajduga.

Minutes: An Alison Olmstead/Cathy Cook motion was passed to accept the minutes of October 11, 2006.

Treasurer's Report: A review reconciliation was made to the November statement.

Unfinished Business:
· 1. Building Maintenance. The toilet in the handicapped stall runs continuously. It will be checked again this Saturday, a plumber may need to be called. Ray Hajduga found bulbs for the disco light. They are $2.97 a piece. If 8 are purchased, we will be able to replace all four now and have four more on backup. A Laura Blain/Alison Olmstead motion was passed to allow Charlotte to purchase.
· 2. Skate Reports. November 3rd 24 attendees, November 10th 32 attendees, December 1st nine attendees and December 8th 25 attendees.
· 3. Stereo. Since an amount has been previously approved, Alison will order the new stereo equipment.
· 4. Basketball. The program is still on hold. Cathy will discuss with George.

New Business:
· 1. Soccer. State Line Soccer is using the facilities on Tuesdays.
· 2. Christmas Skate. Cathy spoke with Steve Bishop, he has agreed to provide sheet pizzas at cost. A Laura Blain/RoseMarie Grzincic was passed to spend some skate expense money to fund purchases for the special holiday skate. Soda etc.
· 3. A Laura Blain/Alison Olmstead motion was passed to have the safety announcement read every skate.
· 4. Due to the lack of volunteers after the Christmas skate, skate will be cancelled until further notice.

Next Meeting: Will be January 10, 2007, at 7:00 p.m at the Mather Memorial Library.

An Alison Olmstead/Cathy Cook motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.