Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
June 14, 2006

Attending: Board: Laura H. Blain, Cathy Cook, RoseMarie Grzincic, Alison Olmstead. Absent: Patrick Grimes, Shari Whipple, Charlotte Hajduga. Meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Laura Blain.

Minutes: A RoseMarie Grzincic/Alison Olmstead motion was passed to accept the minutes of May 10, 2006.

Treasurer's Report: Laura Blain presented the report for May. Previous balance reported $3,914.78, revenues $610.31, expenditures $511.08, end of month balance $4,014.01.
  Cathy Cook and RoseMarie Grzincic initialed review reconciliation to May 31st.
  Laura also noted that the Ulster Municipal Water Authority bill issue is unresolved, she is waiting for a call back from Franklin Walker. We are still waiting for the audit letter from Libby King.

Unfinished Business:
· 1. Building Maintenance. Ulster Township pulled the tree branch down and Shari cut and stacked it. Don Tuttle had mentioned that Ulster Township is plowing the parking lot and cutting the lawn. Alison will send a thank you note.
· 2. Summer 2006 Program. There is full staffing for the summer program with the Knapp sisters working. The presentations that have already been confirmed are the Edge Fitness Center and the ARCC. Contact will be made with several other potential presenters.
· 3. Young Community Volunteer nomination. No word yet on the nomination of Hannah Roach. Winner will not be picked until mid-summer.
· 4. Annual Meeting. No progress, waiting for audit.
· 5. Terri McFarland. No longer interested.

New Business:
· 1. Contributions. Laura noted that Don Tuttle offered additional contributions if Sheshequin would match monies.
· 2. Presentations. The Partners in Family and Community Development will be having their semi-annual meeting on July 19th. A speaker from Penn State will be giving a leadership presentation.

Next Meeting: Will be Wednesday, September 13, 2006, at 7:00 p.m at the Mather Memorial Library.

An Alison Olmstead/RoseMarie Grzincic motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 p.m.