Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
March 8, 2006

Attending: Board: Laura H. Blain, RoseMarie Grzincic, Charlotte Hajduga, Shari Whipple, Alison Olmstead. Absent: Patrick Grimes.

Meeting was called to order at 7:13 p.m. by Charlotte Hajduga.

Minutes: A Laura Blain/RoseMarie Grzincic motion was passed to accept the minutes of February 8, 2006 taken by Charlotte Hajduga in the absence of Alison Olmstead.

Treasurer's Report: Laura Blain presented the report for February. Previous balance reported $8,307.08, revenues $1,105.30, expenditures $410.74, transfer to savings $5,000.00, end of month balance $4,001.64.

Unfinished Business:
· 1. Building Maintenance. Harold did check the furnace filters and repaired the valve in the ladies restroom on February 10, 2006. The batteries in the toilet valves may still need to be replaced.
· 2. Summer Program Re-cap. On hold. Charlotte and Laura must complete before audit.
· 3. Skate parties. Hannah Roach's parents will be able to transport her to and from scheduled parties and assist with the checklists at open and close. A minimum DJ gratuity of $15 will be required for booked parties, this needs to be agreed upon at the time of signing the party agreement. A RoseMarie Grzincic/Shari Whipple motion was made to make Hannah Roach the youth DJ. Cathy Cook and her son have volunteered to help at parties as well.
· 4. Signs. Nothing new to report.
· 5. Annual Meeting Preparation. Charlotte will prepare last years minutes. Everything else is ready for audit with the exception of the summer program report.

New Business:
· 1. Harold Renninger Resignation. Harold Renninger sent an email resignation effective February 28, 2006. A Laura Blain/RoseMarie Grzincic motion was made to accept the resignation with regret.
· 2. Board Vacancy. A Laura Blain/RoseMarie Grzincic motion was made to appoint Cathy Cook to fill one board vacancy.
· 3. Community. Laura reviewed the Partners & Family Community Development new program on the nurse family partnership and the teen pregnancy prevention task force, with a meeting at the Keystone Theater in Towanda on 3/21/06. Advised of a public hearing at the courthouse on 3/23/06 about the greenway plan and a developmental workshop in Dalton on 4/28/06.
· 4. Basketball. Basketball will begin on Monday's from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. for boys and girls 10 years and older with Cathy Cook supervising.

Next Meeting: Will be Wednesday, April 12, 2006, at 7:00 p.m at the Mather Memorial Library.

A RoseMarie Grzincic/Laura Blain motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.