Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Annual Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2005

Attendance: Laura Blain, Charlotte Hajduga, Shari Whipple, Sandie Benjamin, David Benjamin, Rose Marie Grzincic, Harold Renninger, Libby King, Mary Ellen Estes, Greg Grenier, Carolyn Knapp, Ethel Pipher, Patrick Grimes, Dawn Gillette, Andy Bishop.

The Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Sandie Benjamin, President.

2004 Annual Meeting Minutes were presented by Charlotte Hajduga, secretary. A Carolyn Knapp/Greg Grenier motion was passed to accept the 2004 Annual Meeting Minutes.

Presidential Report Sandie Benjamin chose to have Laura Blain provide the annual meeting presentation. Laura noted accomplishments of the past year. Charlotte Hajduga gave an overview of the Meth Awareness program presented by Sheriff Evans in May of 2004. Other accomplishments mentioned were Music Changes, increased numbers of kids attending Friday night skating, Steady building rental for Dog Obedience Training, better practices of financial record keeping and another successful Summer Program.

Treasurer's Update was presented by Laura Blain; she included information on the 501C3 status and complications reaching the IRS to help straighten out EIN numbers. Treasury changes were made during the past year due to resignations of Tammy Vanderpool and Melissa Cobb-Grzella. Laura also noted that $1,000 of funding was cut from the budget by Ulster Township. She gave an overview of funding received from both townships and the boards concerns about making repairs to the boys bathroom floor and the roof in the future.

Audit Report was presented by Libby King and Mary Ellen Estes for 2004 As follows: "Upon review of documents between January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 it is our opinion that the funds controlled By the Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center are being used for their intended purpose in keeping with the state objectives of the organization. No unusual purchases were noted and it is also noted that safeguards and controls are in place to insure the integrity of the organization." A signed overview will be kept on file to document their report.

Bylaws amendments: A Libby King/Dawn Gillette motion was passed to vote on proposed Bylaw amendments as distributed with the meeting notice, adding a provision to proposal #1 that the board include an annual Presidential Report and Financial Summary. All proposals passed as noted below, with language deletions (reduced and italicized in parenthesis), and appended language bolded.

PROPOSAL 1 to reduce the frequency of Administrative meetings to once every two years instead of annually and make the meeting date more flexible, while still requiring annual audit passed by a vote of 14 approved, 1 opposed.

Article VII. Meetings
Section 1. (The Annual Meeting) A Biennial Meeting of the Administrative Membership shall be held (on the 4th Tuesday in April) in April of odd numbered years, beginning in April 2007. Notice of the (Annual) Biennial Meeting shall be published five (5) days prior to the date of such meeting in the existing newspapers of general circulation within both Townships. (Currently, the Daily Review and the Evening Times.) In the interim years, a Board Report from the President and an audited Financial Summary will be distributed to the Administrative Membership.

Article V. Officers
Section 4. The Treasurer shall sign all checks, notes, and drafts drawn by the Corporation. S/he shall have custody of the cash, books of account, records and other valuable papers of the Corporations. S/he shall keep proper records and books of the accounts and shall prepare a balance sheet statement showing the condition of the Corporation at the close of each month, or at such times as the Board shall require said statement. The statement shall be attested to by two members of the Board and shall be made accessible to the members of the Corporation. S/he shall submit records to the auditing committee annually for an audit.

ARTICLE VI. Committees
Section 2. An Auditing Committee of two (2) Auditors, who are not Directors, shall be elected at the (Annual) Biennial Meeting of the Corporation by the Administrative Membership, and shall serve for a term of (one year) two years. (and report at the following annual meeting with a detailed fiscal report of the prior calendar year.) By April of each year, the auditing committee will review and audit the records of the prior year and prepare a written report to be kept on file and available upon request of the membership.

PROPOSAL 2 to allow Administrative membership to vote by mail or proxy if they are unable to attend a meeting passed 13 approved, 2 opposed.

Article VII. Meetings
Section 4. At (Annual) Biennial and Special Meetings of this Corporation, a majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum and the vote of the majority shall be the act of the corporation. Quorum and voting shall be counted either by presence at the meeting OR by mail or proxy vote on prescribed forms returned to the secretary in advance of the meeting. (If no quorum is present,) If quorum is not established, an adjournment shall be taken to a date not more than seven (7) days thereafter. Notice of adjourned meeting shall be given as provided in Section 2 of these bylaws.

PROPOSAL 3 to allow for smaller board size when necessary; HOWEVER, establish a minimum working quorum of 5, so no decisions can ever be made by LESS than at least 3 directors in agreement passed unanimously.

Article IV. Directors
Section 1. A Board of seven (7) to nine (9) Directors shall be elected by the Administrative Membership. The term of office of directors shall be three years, except that the terms of Directors first appointed shall be fixed so that no more than three (3) shall be reappointed or replaced during any future calendar year.

Article VII. Meetings
Section 2. A minimum of four Quarterly Meetings of the Directors shall be held in each calendar year, providing that one of those meeting may be the Annual) Biennial Meeting. Notice of all such meetings shall be given by the Secretary by phone, postal mail or receipt returned email at least five days before the meeting, stating date, time of day and place of the meeting. A quorum of 5 directors is necessary to conduct business.

Board of Directors/Audit Committee - The current board nominated David Benjamin, Charlotte Hajduga (current acting secretary), and Harold Renninger III to fill the three openings for 3 year terms to the board. Vacancies remain for a two year and one year position. Patrick Grimes agreed to serve a 1 year term. With no further nominations or volunteers, a Sandie Benjamin/Shari Whipple motion was passed to close nominations to board. Libby King and Mary Ellen Estes agreed to accept a nomination to serve another term on the Audit Committee. A Sandie Benjamin/ Carolyn Knapp motion was passed to close nominations to audit committee. By unanimous vote, these nominations were approved.

A Harold Renninger/David Benjamin motion was passed to adjourn meeting at 8:23 p.m.

The next regular meeting will open following this adjournment; the next Biennial meeting will be scheduled in April, 2007.

Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
April 26, 2005

Attending: Sandie Benjamin, David Benjamin, Laura Blain, RoseMarie Grzincic, Shari Whipple, Charlotte Hajduga, Harold J. Renninger III, and Patrick Grimes. Also Present - Andy Bishop.

The Meeting was called to order at 8:45 p.m.

Minutes: A Laura Blain/RoseMarie Grzincic motion was passed to approve March 30, 2005 minutes.

Treasurer's Report:
· 1. Report- Laura Blain gave the following figures about the treasury. Previously reported balance through February 2005- $ 4,393.04; February Adjustments- -$93.17; Corrected February balance- $4,299.87; March Revenue- $641.11; March Expenses- $ 799.12; Balance through end of March- $4,141.86 Reconciliation- Sandie Benjamin initialed Reconciliation, figure match.
· 2. Audit- Has been completed
· 3. Budget- A copy of Annual Report, Profit and Loss Statement must be provided to Supervisors.
· Note: Laura will deliver Audit and future Financial Report to Supervisors.

Previous/Unfinished Business-
· 1. Building Maintenance-
  furnace filter- no report
  floor in boy's room- still need estimates
  roof- still need estimates
· 2. Board Vacancies- Annual meeting approved variable board size 7-9 with quorum of 5, majority vote being 3.

New Business-
· 1. New Board members- We are pleased to Welcome Patrick Grimes and Harold J. Renninger III to the Board as general Board Members.
· 2. Slate of Officers- President- Sandie Benjamin; Vice President- Shari Whipple; Treasurer- Laura Blain; Secretary- Charlotte Hajduga; Executive Committee Member- RoseMarie Grzincic; A Harold Renninger/David Benjamin motion was passed to accept the slate of officers for 2005.
· 3. Closing Date of Skating- A LauraBlain/David Benjamin motion was passed for the last Friday night Skate of the season to be May 20, 2005.
· 4. Funding- A David Benjamin/RoseMarie Grzincic motion was passed for Laura Blain to approach Ulster Township Supervisors to request the 1/2 mil tax directed to cover expenseses for Rec Center.

A Laura Blain/RoseMarie Grzincic Motion was passed to adjorn meeting at 10:10 p.m.

Next Meeting: Will be Wednesday May 11, 2005.- 7:00 p.m. at the Library.