Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
November 10, 2004

Attending: Laura Blain, David Benjamin, RoseMarie Grzincic, Shari Whipple, Charlotte Hajduga, Pastor Rick Stackhouse. (Absent from Meeting Sandie Benjamin)

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Minutes: A RoseMarie Grzincic/David Benjamin motion was passed to accept October 13, 2004 minutes.

Treasurer's Report:
· 1. Report- Laura Blain gave the following figures about the treasury. Previous Balance Reported $ 3,830.37 Date October, 2004, Expenditures- $ 109.63 Revenues- $ 171.21, Current Balance (end of month) $ 3,891.95
· Review reconciliation- (to 10/15/04), initialed by David Benjamin.

Previous/Unfinished Business:
· 1. Building Maintenance- furnace filter, needs to be checked General Maintenace, nothing new to report.
· 2. Summer Program - still need final figures for summer program recorded in minutes (number of participants, dates, field trip locations, staff names, and total hours, special programs?)
· 3. Board Vacancy- was Don Roach asked? ( Yes, Said he would think about it) Status of Melissa? Any other ideas? Ideas were discussed of possible options.
· 4. CDGB Grant- update
· 5. Press Release- contact info was not in article, make sure it gets in next one.

New Business:
· 1. Board Resignation- Pastor Rick Stackhouse submitted his letter of resignation from the board.
  He is resigning due to time allocation of his pastoral duties. This was very unexpected and he will surely be missed. He is welcome to come back to the board a fill a position if one is open and his schedule permits him to do so at a later date. The board will miss him!
· 2. Volunteer Recruitment- Mike & Helen Colavito have attended a couple of skates. Lisa Davis came one night and ran candy counter. Harrold Renninger has been at a few skates. Nancy King has mentioned coming to Friday Night Skates
· 3. Friday Night Dances? board is looking to have a dance before the Holidays Friday 12/17 has been discussed as a possible date for a dance. If not Saturday 12/18 maybe used. A $2.00 admission will be charged for the dance.
· 4. Upcoming Volunteer Schedule- not worked out yet.

Next Meeting: Will be Wednesday December 8, 2004 -7:00 p.m. at The Library. (*Note- December 8, 2004 meeting was cancelled at a later date.)

A motion was passed by RoseMarie Grzincic/David Benjamin to adjourn meeting at 8:50 p.m.

Next Meeting: Will Be Wednesday January 12, 2005 -7:00 p.m. at the Library.