Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
SEPTEMBER 15, 2004

Attending: Laura Blain, David Benjamin, Sandie Benjamin, RoseMarie Grzincic, Shari Whipple, Charlotte Hajduga, Pastor Rick Stackhouse; also present, Jeff.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm.

Minutes: A Sandi Benjamin/RoseMarie Grzincic motion was passed to accept the minutes August 11,2004.

Treasurer's Report:
· 1. Resignation, Melissa Cobb Grzella has submitted a letter of resignation for her duties as Treasurer A motion was passed by RoseMarie Grzincic/David Benjamin to accept Melissa Cobb Grezella's resignation as Treasurer.
· 2. Missing checks, There is a book of checks that cannot be located, as a safety precaution the following motion was made. A motion was passed by Charlotte Hajduga/Sandie Benjamin to close existing account and open a new one with a new number.
· 3. Report- Laura Blain gave the following figures about the treasury.
      Previous Balance Reported (march 31, 2004)$ 2,724.65 , April to Sept. 15, 2004 Revenue- $5,538.02, Expenditures- ($ 3,711.94), Current Balance (9/15/04) $ 4,550.73. This includes money from Ulster twp for Summer Program and money from Sheshequin twp.
      8/13/04 records match Bank Reconciliation.
      We have $1,000. less then we budgeted for originally. Not Paid Yet, re-imbursement to Ulster twp. for summer program.
      A motion was passed by David Benjamin/Sandie Benjamin to pay Ulster Twp. A flat fee of $50.00 each year for Administrative and Payroll services rendered during Summer Program.
      Summer Program : $ 1,819.35
      Admin/Payroll fee: 50.00
      TOTAL: $ 1,869.35
· 4. Cash Box, is needed to start skating $ 50.00

Previous/Unfinished Business:
· 1. Building Maintenance-
      furnace filter currently not in use.
      Disco Light- Harold gave a report. DO NOT TOUCH BULBS   200 watt bulbs work but are dim. 100 watt wired in series- so when one blow none work.  purchased another set of 100 watt, still dim,Jeff said that the bulbs that blew were 150 watt
      David recomended ceiling light being checked by an electrician.
      A new smaller disco light is $ 179.00 approx.
      boxed lights may be returnable, blister packs probably not.
      try Mountain Lake Electric or look for a retired electrician; Dawn at Library, ODD fellows, Gerry Foreman.
      General Maintenance, David will put in batteries for smoke alarms.
· 2. Building Use Contract Laura needs for website.
· 3. Volunteer Sign up Forms- Sandie now has these
· 4. Summer Program - Laura would like a recap of summer program to be incorperated into minutes.
· 5. Opening Night of Skating- Friday September 24, 2004 David will put up flyers in , Bishops, Dandy, Library & Post office Flyers for school- Charlotte will check binder for last years copy Sandie, will make this years flyer and take it to school.
· 6. Volunteer List for Skating, are as follows:
      9/24 David Benjamin, Sandie Benjamin, Charlotte Hajduga, Laura Blain, Shari Whipple & Jeff
      10/1 Charlotte Hajduga, RoseMarie Grzincic, ( Pastor Rick?) Shari-will come in time for games, & Jeff
      10/8 David Benjamin, Sandie Benjamin, Charlotte Hajduga, Laura Blain, RoseMarie Grzincic, & Jeff

New Business:
· 1. Cathy Cook resignation, A motion was passed by Sandie Benjamin/ Rick Stackhouse to accept the resignation of Cathy Cook.
· 2. 1 Vacancy-Board Member
· 3. CDBG (Community Developement Block Grant) through county for non governmental buildings. potential grant issues, roof and electrical work
· 4. Change in meeting night, A motion was passed by Sandie Benjamin/CharlotteHajduga to have meetings moved to the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

Next Meeting: Will be Wednesday October 13, 2004 -7:00p.m. at The Library.

A motion was passed by RoseMarie Grzincic/David Benjamin to adjourn meeting at 9:16 p.m.

*Note- Madaline Daugherty Committee, Halloween Party will be October 23, 2004