Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
MARCH 9, 2004

Attending: Shari Whipple, Cathy Cook, Melissa Cobb/Grzella, David Benjamin and Sandra Benjamin; Board Members Absent: Laura Blain, Pastor Rick Stackhouse, Tammy Vanderpool and RoseMarie Grzincic; Guest: Sean Beirne of Gannon Associates

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

In the absence of Laura Blain, Shari Whipple officiated over the meeting.

Minutes and Treasurer's Report: Since neither Laura nor Tammy were present, there were no minutes read nor no treasurer's report.

Old Business: A Melissa Cobb-Grzella/Shari Whipple motion was passed to approve the Building Use Agreement.

New Business:
  Insurance: The main purpose of this meeting was a question and answer session with Sean Beirne, a representative from Gannon Insurance, which is where the Rec Center has its' building insurance. The main points covered were as follows:
   1. As long as there is due diligence (reasonableness) to provide a safe place, there is very little probability of a lawsuit.
   2. We are covered for any injury inside or outside for any event being held at the Rec Center, including volunteer events or events where the Rec Center is rented out. We are not, however, covered for any events at which alcohol is present.
   3. Directors and Officers Insurance mainly covers:
  a. Misappropriation of Funds
  b. Loss of Value of Assets
  c. Loss of Value of Buildings
  Based on these findings, Mr. Beirne did not feel that Directors and Officers Insurance would be of any value to us at this time. It was, however, discussed that if in the future we were to obtain large grants, that we might want to approach the issue again.
  4. Our present policy contains a goodwill medical expense of up to $1,000 per person/$5,000 total per incident.
  5. Mr. Beirne stated that each of the Board Members should contact their own insurance agents concerning whether their homeowner's insurance would cover any of their personal liability. He said to let your insurance agency know that you are on a volunteer Board of Directors for a non-profit entity. He felt that most homeowner's policies had at least some coverage.
  6. The cost to increase our liability coverage to $500,000 would be approximately $1,000 annually. We are now paying $400.00 annually.
  The Board then asked Mr. Beirne to look around the building to see if he felt there was anything that could be done to improve on the Rec Center's safety. He mentioned that we might want to consider posting a sign at the steps from the stage to the main floor stating: "No Skates on Stairs to Avoid Injury." Other than that, he felt we were diligently providing a safe place for the children to skate.

Annual Meeting: A reminder that the Annual Meeting is to be held the fourth Tuesday of April, which would be April 27, 2004. It was decided that there would be no regular meeting of the Board of Directors for the month of April.

A Melissa Cobb-Grzella/Cathy Cook motion was passed to adjourn at 8:55 PM.