Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES
November 4, 2003

Attending: Laura Blain, Shari Whipple, Cathy Cook, Melissa Cobb-Grzella, Rosemarie Grzincic, Tammy Vanderpool; board members absent: Pastor Rick Stackhouse, Edward Knapp; also present: Sandra Benjamin, Jeff Harford

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.

Minutes: A Tammy Vanderpool/Cathy Cook motion was passed to accept the minutes for October 7, 2003.

Treasurer's Report: The report was given by Tammy for the month ending October, 2003. Previous reported balance was $6,342.14, expenses paid were $366.57, income was $30.00, available balance of $6,005.57.
   Tammy agreed to reconcile the Treasurer's Report to the bank statement.
   She also reported that Libby King informed her that the Auditor's Report is complete but it still has not been received by Laura or Tammy.

Previous/Unfinished Business:

Stage Curtains: It was decided that the curtains would be folded and stored at this time until the pipe could be welded and someone could be procured to rehang them correctly. Thanks to Jeff Harford and Jeff Cobb for taking the curtains down this evening.

Game Machines:
   It was noted that Tom Daugherty has removed the machines as requested.

Skate Party Deposit:
   Jeff has cash from a previous party that he forgot to deposit. He will get the money to Tammy within the week.
   It was decided the deposit from Friday night skating would be dropped at the bank drop box. Tammy said that she would then receive a receipt in the mail.

Skating Plans:
   Both Laura and Melissa stated that they had received no calls on the flyers that were distributed to the school for volunteers for Friday night skating.
   Laura presented a parent sign up sheet for volunteers that could be displayed every Friday evening for the following week. It was agreed by consensus that if enough people did not volunteer there would not be any skating the following week.
   The following people volunteered for Friday, November 7, 2004: Laura Blaim - admission and rink rat Melissa Cobb/Grzella - rink rat and cash deposit David and Sandie Benjamin - candy sales and deposit prep Shari Whipple - lock up A responsible young person to check skates Jeff Harford - music and skate closet
   Shari Whipple said she would acquire toilet paper and paper towels.
  It was stated that candy and soda had been acquired.
  Tammy checked with Bishop's about pizza and they said they would sell the Rec Center a sheet pizza at the cost of $8.00 to be billed monthly on the Rec Center's account. Sandie Benjamin offered to pick up the pizza at 6:45 on Friday evening. It was agreed that the pizza would be sold for $.50 per slice.
  Jeff stated that the lighted ball on the skate floor is now working correctly and that he also installed the new CD player and that it was also functioning properly. Jeff agreed that he would find acceptable music to play for now until some new cd's could be burned.
  It was also noted that the skate closet has a new key.

Building Rules/Contracts:
   Cathy stated that she could not find the time to complete them. We are looking for another volunteer to compile them. Laura has drafts from other organizations which can be clipped from.

501C3 Application:
   Laura Blain is still working on the 501C3 Application. She has applied for and received a new EIN #.

New Business:

Soda/Candy Contributions:
   Laura delivered soda, water, and candy from the Athens Soccer Booster Club. A Whipple/Cobb-Grzella motion was passed that we donate $15.00 to the Athens Soccer Booster Club for water, soda and candy. Laura abstained from the vote.

CD Player:
   The old CD player is not reliable even as a backup. A Cobb-Grzella/Vanderpool motion was passed that Jeff be allowed to take the old CD player.

Computer Cart:
   Laura Blain found a computer cart on e-bay for under $100.00 including shipping, and requested permission to purchase it in order to move our donated computer easily in and out of a locked closet. A Vanderpool/Cobb-Grzella motion passed allowing Laura to spend up to $100.00 on a computer cart including shipping.

   Ed Knapp resigned by a letter sent by e-mail to Laura Blain which was then forwarded to all Board Members. A Cobb-Grzella/Whipple motion was approved to appoint Sandie Benjamin as a replacement on the Board. Melissa volunteered to send a letter to Ed to accept his resignation with regret and thanking him for all of his help.
   Tammy reported that Don Roach turned in his keys to her. It was agreed that a replacement would need to be found to fill his position..

Childline Clearances:
   A question was brought up as to whether all volunteers should have criminal and child abuse clearances. It was decided that it would be done informally at this time.

2004 Proposed Budget:
   A Profit and Loss Statement was passed out to all the Board Members. It covered all of 2001 and 2002 and January through October of 2003, to give us a starting point in creating a budget for 2004. Laura will finalize the numbers and e-mail the proposed budget to everyone for their review before the December board meeting.
   Concerns about raising enough revenue to cover minimum expenses were discussed, and the importance of keeping within budget limits when making spending decisions throughout the year.
   Melissa suggested that maybe a fundraiser should be done to raise additional funds. She also said that she would check into two programs, Welfare to Work and the Probation Office, to see if we could get some maintenance done for free.

Capital Improvement Fund:
   It was also suggested that since the loan is paid off, nearly one-half of the previous yearly loan payment ($3,000) should be placed in a separate capital improvement fund.
   A (WHO MADE & SECONDED THIS MOTION?) motion was passed to transfer $4,000 from the checking account into a new savings account for capital improvements.

   Due to the time constraints of Melissa, Sandie has volunteered to assist her by preparing the minutes.

A Tammy Vanderpool/Shari Whipple motion was passed to adjourn at 9:00 pm.

Next meeting date will be December 9, 2003.
  Time to be determined.