Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
     Board of Directors Meeting
     August 12, 2003
     Present:  Laura Blain, Rick Stackhouse, Donald Roach Jr., Tammy
     Vanderpool, Shari Whipple, Melissa Cobb-Grzella, Rosemarie Grzincic
     Absent:   Edward Knapp, Cathy Cook
     Guest:  Hannah Roach
     The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.
     Minutes: Tammy Vanderpool/Melissa Cobb-Grzella, Motion was passed
     to accept the minutes for July 14 2003.
     Treasurer's report:  Tammy Vanderpool reported that final payment of
     $509.47 on the loan will be made in August. Beginning balance $4390.65,
     Expenses paid $1200.45 (Including loan payment $500.10) Income
     $5000.00, Ending Balance $6996.29, available balance after loan =
     Melissa Cobb-Grzella/Shari Whipple Motion was passed to accept
     treasurers' report.
     Old Business:  
     Tammy Vanderpool reported that she has been unable to contact Libby
     King to complete the audit, due to Ms. King being away on vacation. 
     Stage curtains: Donald Roach is scheduling the August 23, 2003 to hang
     the curtains.  Robert Reeves donated the pipes.
     Building Maintenance: The roof is still in need of repair.  John Adams has
     been unable to mow the lawn due to illness. Donald Roach Jr. has
     volunteered to do so.
     Summer Program:  Laura Blain informed the board that Rick Stackhouse,
     Melissa Cobb-Grzella and herself interviewed and hired for three staff
     ·       Program Coordinator  Jennifer Sheridan 
     ·       Program Assistant   Samantha Barrett
     ·       General Assistant Brian Smith (Brian was hired on the following
     terms. If program attendance is below 15 children he would be paid for a
     half hour and sent home. If attendance is over 15 he would be paid for
     hours worked.)
     A total of 22 children are participating in the program and so far they have
     had positive feed back.   The busing for field trips is working will.
     Laura Blain informed the board that she has been contacted by George
     Smith concerning next years busing. He was unable to help this year, but is
     willing to help with next year's program.
     New Business:
     Partners in Family and Community Development have asked the
     Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center to become a collaborating member. 
     All that the agreements entails is an agreement to support the mission
     (Develop a seamless system of services that enables residents to meet
     educational, social, health and economic challenges.)  A motion to become
     a collaborating member by signing the agreement was made by Rosemarie
     Grzincic/Donald Roach Jr. The vote carried with Melissa Cobb-Grzella
     abstaining from the vote.
     Tammy Vanderpool addressed the board on behalf of the Madeline
     Daugherty Activity Committee. The committee is in the process of
     planning the Halloween and Christmas parties for the area youths.  The
     Halloween party is scheduled for October 18, 2003.  In the past the Rec
     center has contributed for the parties.  The activities committee is asking if
     the Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center can do so again by matching
     what the Ulster Chamber of Commerce donates.  It was discussed and
     determined that the Rec Center would contribute, but would need a review
     the budget to determine the amount.
     A lengthy discussion was held on skating and insuring that appropriate
     music will be played this skating season. During the discussion, Hannah
     Roach addressed the board on her desire to volunteer as a skating DJ the
     year. Over the summer she has started to prepare a complied music book
     of songs. The book contains the song title, written lyric, artist and the
     amount of time it plays from start to finish. Melissa Cobb-Grzella/Tammy
     Vanderpool made a motion to allow Hannah to try the position of skating
     DJ and continue compile the music book. The motion carried with Donald
     Roach JR abstaining from the vote. 
     Laura Blain explained to the board that we need to determine the start date
     for skating, seek another DJ for parties and the CD equipment is going to
     be repaired or replaced. It was determined to table all three topics until the
     next meeting.
     Melissa Cobb-Grzella/Shari Whipple Motion to adjourned 8:50 pm
     Next Meeting is September 9, 2003, at 7:30pm.