Sheshequin-Ulster Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting DRAFT MINUTES

September 15th, 2008

Attending: Cathy Cook, Tonya Coyne, Ray Coyne, Marilyn Daugherty, Shari Whipple, Laura Hewitt Absent: Andy Bishop

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Ray Coyne

Minutes: A Cook/Hewitt motion was passed to accept the minutes for August 20th, 2008.

Treasury Report: A treasury report was given by Cathy Cook. She stated that there was a checking account balance of $4,134.53 and a savings account balance of $4,200.00.

Previous/Unfinished Business:
· Concert- The concert in the park has been scheduled for Friday September 19th, 2008. Flyers have been distributed. Tonya will get with the township about getting keys for the pavilion. A check was written to Tonya Coyne for $100.00. Tonya will pick up the concessions needed and return any unused money to the board.
· Rental rates- Tonya proposed a draft copy of new rental rates. It was discussed and voted on as follows:
  Resident- $30.00 per hour with a $15.00 d.j. gratuity
  Non-Resident- $50.00 per hour with a $15.00 d.j. gratuity
  Non Profit Organizations- $20.00 per hour plus $15.00 d.j. gratuity ( if needed).
A Coyne/Daugherty motion was passed to approve the new rates.

New Business:
· Halloween Party- The Halloween party has been scheduled for October 18th. Tonya will call the chamber to ask them to donate.
· Concessions- The new skating season will begin on October 17th and concessions are needed to start for the season. A Hewitt/Daugherty motion was passed to allow a maximum of $200.00 spending limit on start up costs and then to pick up concessions as needed.
· Meetings- Due to a conflict of dates our monthly meetings have been changed to the third Tuesday of the month. A Daugherty/Cook motion was passed to allow the change in meetings to the third Tuesday of the month.

The next meeting will be held October 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the rec. center.

A Whipple/Cook motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.